I have connected Unleashed; how do I start using the integration?

Following these steps, you can import or export your product catalog as well as sync what you have 'on hand.'

Using the Unleashed and trakr Counting Integration

Step 1: Enter Integration Information

  1. After successfully connecting Unleashed and trakr Counting following the previous instructions, navigate to the integration section in your trakr Counting account.

  2. Input the required integration information, including your Unleashed API ID and API Key.

  3. Click the 'Start' button to initiate the integration.

Step 2: Import Products From Unleashed

  1. Once the integration is active, you will be presented with the main screen.

  2. Choose the 'Import From Unleashed' option.

  3. This action will add your products from Unleashed to your trakr Counting account. Additionally, any existing products will be updated.

Step 3: Export Products To Unleashed

  1. To send products from your trakr Counting account to Unleashed, select the 'Export To Unleashed' option.

  2. This process can be used to update products you've previously added to Unleashed from trakrSuite.

Step 4: Import On Hand Stock

  1. If you need to synchronize stock levels, select 'Import On Hand.'

  2. This integration adds stock values from Unleashed to your trakr Counting account, ensuring both systems have equalized stock numbers.

Step 5: Export a Count to Unleashed

  1. After completing the counting process and finalizing your counts, proceed to the 'Export a Count' functionality.

  2. Choose the count that is in the 'Finalize' status.

  3. Click the 'Export a Count' button to make your new stock counts visible in Unleashed.